Digital rights are human rights

Welcome to Sheltr, an initiative sprung from within Cookie Information with a distinct and vital mission: To make it easy and affordable for all organisations to protect individual digital rights.

Sheltr - Graphic of trees in a landscape

Our core belief 

At Sheltr, we wholeheartedly believe that your digital rights — like privacy, controlling your personal info, and keeping your identity safe — are just as crucial as any other human rights we all value. This belief isn’t just something we talk about; it’s what drives every solution we craft and every step we take.

Nowadays, considering digital rights and legal compliance as afterthoughts just don’t cut it. They're as essential as data security, accessibility, and user experience, forming the backbone of any organisation's values.

Our journey  

It all started with a realisation: while digital rights are becoming increasingly vital, navigating the complex web of global privacy laws can be overwhelming and, frankly, pretty costly for many organisations. That’s why we created Sheltr — to flip the script and make accessing privacy tools as easy and essential as any other part of running a business.

Our vision 

We believe in a world where protecting digital rights is standard practice — and businesses not only follow the rules but respect the principles behind laws meant to safeguard privacy.

Our mission 

Sheltr's mission is to simplify the protection of individual digital rights. We're committed to building privacy-first web tools that are easy to use and implement and cover all major data privacy legislations. We want organisations to shine in their compliance efforts, turning the potential pain of the privacy discipline into a source of strength, confidence, and competitive advantage. 

We believe that when organisations have clarity and confidence in their approach to digital rights, it reflects positively in their relationships with customers, employees, and partners. This transparency and trust are what we aim to foster at Sheltr.

Where we come from

Sheltr is a subbrand that has grown within Cookie Information with a distinct and vital mission: to make the protection of individual digital rights easily accessible and affordable.

Learn more about how we achieve our mission

Copyright © 2024 Sheltr. All rights reserved.
